Small, Powerful Steps To Be The Best First Responder You Can Be

Improving performance and health doesn't have to be a massive struggle. Instead, be smart and focus on the low hanging fruit that will give you the biggest impact. We've done the research for you and filtered out the BS. Our programs are designed to be easy to follow, yet get you the results you want. We promise. Below are a few FREE resources to get you started.

FREE 20-Minute Consultation

Talk with Danielle 1-on-1 about your health and performance goals.

Get your health and nutrition questions answered. Danielle specializes in weight loss, sports performance, and improving sleep quality. She's worked in the health and fitness industry for over 18 years gathering tools to help you reach your goals. If you cannot find a time that works for you below, email Danielle at [email protected] and she'll find a time that works for you.

Firefighter's Guide To Maximizing Sleep eBook

Because losing sleep is part of the job.

As a firefighter, you are not in complete control of your sleep schedule. You need ways that help you maximize the sleep you get even if you can’t always get those 7-9 hours that would be ideal. That's exactly what this guide is for - simple, scientifically backed sleep hacks that work!

LEO's Guide To Maximizing Sleep eBook

Sleep loss may be part of the job, but you can maximize the hours you get.

As a law enforcement officer (LEO) it's not always easy to get enough sleep, and if you work the night shift, it may feel nearly impossible. That's why we focus on sleep quality. Use the easy hacks in this eBook to maximize the sleep you can get and feel more rested today.

2-Week Sleep Challenge Program

Take the 2-week challenge to better sleep!

As a firefighter, you're not in complete control of your sleep schedule. You need ways that help you maximize the sleep you get even if you can’t always get those 7-9 hours that would be ideal. That's exactly what this FREE 2-week challenge is about! First, you'll learn simple, powerful steps you can take to experience more restorative sleep. Next, challenge yourself to experimenting with 1-2 sleep hacks for the next 2 weeks to start feeling more rested and energized.

Firefighter's Guide To Detoxification eBook

Exposure to toxins is unavoidable, but you can strengthen your defenses.

As a Firefighter, you're exposed to several toxins on the job such as carbon monoxide, benzene, aldehydes, and PFASs. You're also exposed to toxins off the job such as pesticides, Bisphenol A (BPA), heavy metals, "Franken foods", internal toxins like fungus, pharmaceuticals, and many of the same toxins you're exposed to on the job. Unfortunately, you cannot completely avoid exposure to toxins. The key is to achieve a balance of toxin-toxout. Our new eBook "Firefighter's Guide to Detoxification" teaches you how to do just that. Make powerful choices to support your own body's natural detoxification and reduce your total "toxic burden".

Firefighter's Guide To Becoming A Stress Ninja eBook

Transform stress into strength

Being a firefighter is stressful - irregular sleep, difficult medical calls, hard physical labor, transitioning from the station to home life, etc. What if you could transform your stress into strength, build your resiliency and mental agility, and ultimately become a stress ninja? The good news is you can! Just as you train in the gym to get stronger, you can also train your brain to be more psychologically fit and agile.

LEO's Guide To Becoming A Stress Ninja eBook

Turn stress into your super power.

What if you could transform your stress into strength, build your resiliency and mental agility, and ultimately become a stress ninja. The good news is you can! Just as you train in the gym to get stronger, you can also train your brain to be more psychologically fit and agile.

Breathing Exercises

The fastest way to pump the breaks on stress.

Breathing is the fastest way to return to a calm state after a stressful event and train your nervous system for a healthier stress response. Breath training can also improve sleep quality, digestion, immune function, and cognitive and physical performance. Kind of awesome stuff. This handout offers a few of our favorite breathing exercises that you can start experimenting with today.

Firefighter's Guide To Performance Nutrition eBook

Experience meaningful improvements in your physical and cognitive function with small, power steps.

What's the best diet for a firefighter? Depends... Depends on how busy and what type of calls your station is running, your activity level and type of exercise you do, your health, your gender, your food preferences, and your genes (among several other factors). In this ebook, we provide some universal recommendations and a few factors to consider.

Healing Better Through Nutrition eBook

Healing from surgery and recovering from chronic illness such as cancer require some attention to what you eat. Your fork can be a powerful healing tool, or a vehicle to foods that slow healing, or worse, keep you ill. Use the scientifically backed information in this eBook to rapidly heal from surgery or illness (oh, it'll also help you stay feeling healthy and performing at your best).

LEO's Guide To Performance Nutrition eBook

Eat to maximize your physical and mental performance.

Eating healthy as a law enforcement officer (LEO) can be difficult. Many meals may be spent on the roof of your patrol car, you may have limited options for healthy foods, and meals are often rushed by yet another call. You need easy ways to make healthy choices despite these challenges. This eBook provides you with just that - simple hacks you can use to eat healthy and still do the job you were born to do.

Get Off The Couch Daily Movement Program

Form a new fitness habit today.

Starting a new fitness program, especially if you haven't exercised in a while, can be daunting. We've taken the guesswork out of what to do and provided you with a program you can follow daily. We recommend following this FREE program daily for 30 days to form a new fitness habit.

4-Week Breathwork Training eBook

Leverage your breath for improved performance and mental agility.

Get massive results with just a little time! Exercises that train your breathing muscles are THE most effective, powerful thing you can do to improve your physical and cognitive performance. After 4 weeks of this training, you'll experience: Clearer thinking, longer endurance, improved performance, and a healthier stress response.

First In Resilience Fire Sample Program (For Individuals)

Train to be the member of your crew they can depend on.

Resilience means you get to have the health, drive, and energy to be there for your crew and your community. It means thriving year after year in your career (not just surviving). With First in Wellness, you’ll have professional-level insights from health and wellness experts to keep you in the game and going strong. Our programs are designed with science backed techniques. You’ll learn simple lifestyle hacks in nutrition, sleep, fitness, and psychological health topics that'll keep you at your peak performance now and for years to come.

FIW YouTube Channel

Prefer watching videos? We've got you covered!

We post videos on topics from cooking, to breathing, to information your doctor may not tell you about cardiovascular disease.